
Interesting place in Jambi

 There are many interesting places in Jambi, one of which is Jambi Paradise.  Jambi paradise is a new tourist destination for Jambi people. In this place, you can find a variety of interesting rides and surely this place is suitable for holidays with family. Because it is still considered new, the place is quite crowded when vacation time arrives. Jambi Paradise is one of the tourist attractions in Jambi City which is very suitable for a picnic with the family. If you are in Jambi, it will not be complete if you don't go to this one tourist spot. Jambi tourism has a fairly extensive water tourism vehicle with the main design like a small lake around the land in the middle. A tourist attraction is a water tourism park that has a unique and interesting concept that is equipped with a variety of beautiful natural scenery. Formerly the place, indeed a forest for hunting, has now transformed into a city tour that is very feasible to visit both on weekdays and holidays. This tour

Traditional foods

1. TEMPOYAK Tempoyak is a very famous food in Jambi, almost everyone like it and Tempoyak is a dish derived from fermented durian fruit. Tempoyak is a food that is usually consumed as a side dish when eating rice. Tempoyak can also be eaten directly, but this is rarely done because many cannot stand the acidity and aroma of the Tempoyak itself. In addition, Tempoyak is used as a seasoning and the flavor of Tempoyak is sour, because of the fermentation process in durian. Tempoyak dough is made by preparing durian meat, The selected durian is durian that the ones that are ripe, usually those that already look runny. Then the durian meat is separated from the seeds, then given a little salt. After finishing, then add cayenne pepper which can speed up the fermentation process. But the fermentation process cannot be too long because it will affect the final taste. 2. GANDUS Maybe you haven't heard Gandus's food much. Gandus is a kind of snack made from rice flour, sa

Jambi culture

In Jambi, there are many traditions one of tradition is "Belarak", traditions carried out when married.  If there someone getting married he/she should do the tradition. The way to do that tradition is before the Akad, the bride will sit in a chair and then be appointed by the crowd. Next, to the bride there will be people accompanying them with coconut on their heads, and the bride will be taken from her aunt's house to her parents' house. The tradition originated from the time of our ancestors and until now still survive.


Hola everyone, my name is Arum Triwahyuni you can call me Arum or Yuni and I’m 19 years old from Jambi. Now I'm staying in Yogjakarta because I’m a student of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogjakarta. My hobbies are traveling, reading and swimming. In my blog, I want to show you about Jambi such as cultures, traditional food, language and etc.  Enjoy and I hope you guys get new information from my blog.